In twenty years as a therapist, she was the only I’d met who maintained eye contact. This was her third session, and she had yet to look away. She was sitting right across from me and I could feel the vibes from her body. There was something about her, something magnetic that drew me towards her. It was as if she knew how to read my mind. It was the scariest thing ever. “How are you today Mari?” I asked her. “I’m not fine doc. something is happening to me. I can feel it.” She told me. “Did something happen which scared you?” “Yes, the other day I was very thirsty and wanted a glass of water. I had just come home from a jog and was very tired. I sat down on a chair but didn’t feel like getting up to get the water bottle from across the table. I just kept staring at it for a while and suddenly the bottle was in my hands. I got really scared. How did I do that? How could the bottle possibly just transfer from one place to another? It was like using a magnet to attract a metal object but in this case, there was neither a magnet nor a metal object involved.” She explained. “Calm down, here have a glass of water. We’ll talk about it and we will sort this out.” I told her. She took a sip of water but she was still staring at me with those magnetic eyes and I felt that she wanted to say a lot more but at the moment she could only manage to say a few words. I told her to lie down and relax for a few minutes. This way she would settle down and I would also take a breather. “Mari, each one of us is unique. No one individual is identical to another human being. Each one of us has their own unique identity. God gives us different talents and we use them in our own specific way. Like for example – there are so many painters in this world but each one of them paints differently. Each of them has their individual signature which makes them apart from the other. In the same way, God has given you the ability to move things with your mind. If you concentrate on a particular thing for a while you are able to move it to your heart’s desires.” I explained to her. “Right now your powers are just in their beginning stages. They are starting to grow and we have to make sure that we channelize them in the right way. Otherwise they can harm or you can harm someone unknowingly. It’s up to you how you want to go about it now. I can only advise what’s best for you. You are the one who has to make a decision.” I continued. “I need all the help I can get doc. I’m really scared. This is all new to me. I don’t know how to handle it. You are the only one who can help me get through this.” She told me sitting up and looking at me with immense hope in her eyes. “I will help you and we will get through this together. Do not worry. I told her reassuringly. After that she left for the day. Her next session was scheduled for the coming week. I had always known that there was something extraordinary about her and now I knew. She had the power to move things with her mind. And if harnessed correctly she could do so much with her new found power. Right now she is just 15 years old, she needs guidance and support to help her grow her powers and use them in a correct manner.