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Fate (concluding part)...

I woke up the next morning dazed; my head was hurting so much that it felt like someone was hammering over my head. I went into the kitchen and took two aspirins. Then it dawned on me. I had to start the work from today. Find out where that guy lived and follow him without any questions asked. I put the glass of water down on the table and opened my laptop to search for Ryan Marshall. Searching… searching… No results… I tried again. No results found… I got up from my chair, freshened up and got ready for the day. I opened the telephone directory and looked up his name. There were 5 Ryan Marshalls' in the book. But which was the one that I wanted? I started to call each one of them, and then my doorbell rang. I rushed to open the door and found another note lying there for me. I quickly opened it and it read- the one you are looking for will be found near the sea. Now I had one more clue to help me with my search. I started calling each of them and telling them that I am calling from a bank to confirm their details. This way I would get their addresses and pick out the one near the sea. There was only one which matched this criteria and I knew who to follow. I saved the address in my phone and left the house. The house was located in a posh area with white picket fence and a front lawn. Beautiful lush green trees decorated the house. I almost forgot why I was there. Then a tall man came out of the house. He was in his mid 40s, had gray hair and a slim body. He looked happy and contended with his life. He didn't look like the type who would get involved with the wrong kind of people. So why were these people after him? I didn't understand the logic but I didn't ask any questions and just did as I was told. I gave them his days’ report and continued to do so for the next few days. Not many days later I got another letter from them. It said that – “Do not follow him anymore. Our work is done and so is yours.” So was I off their radar? Or will they again make me do something the next time they need something done? I didn't know, but I wanted to find out. So I did some research of my own and found that they had found my visiting card by chance. It happened that they had come to the office right next to mine and it was empty. They came to my office and asked around and found that the owner had taken all the money and fled.  My colleague gave them my card in case they needed some financial advice as I am a financial adviser and little did he know that he was handing my fate to them.

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